They’re voices, expressions, body language, they all contribute in making each scene feel more real than any porn video you’ve ever watched. They can turn you on even without full frontal exposure or actual penetration. Whether they’re doing it for real or just acting in a convincing way, you can’t deny that these scenes are hot and steamy. If you’re a connoisseur of raunchy sex scenes in mainstream media, then you don’t really have to look anywhere else because here at PORN.COM, we’ve collected them for you! Just click and enjoy your fave stars grinding and fucking it out on your screens! Hot Celeb Porn Fifty Shades of Grey for the BDSM fan, Brokeback Mountain for the gay enthusiast, Blue is the Warmest Colour for intense lesbian action, these are just some of the films that are not considered pornographic but are artistic expressions that just involve plenty of fucking. We’ve all done that once or twice in our life, watched infamous sex scenes from movies and TV series performed by our favorite actors and actresses. With all eyes on them, it’s no wonder that any scene that involves them taking their tops and bottoms off and showing a little skin will put any audience into a drooling frenzy. They’ve got adoring fans, acting chops, and gorgeous looks. Celebrities, they’re always under the limelight.