VR has made more inroads in the computer game world as that area is occupied by lads who tend to be into gear early and keen adopters of tech kit and that being a largely solitary pursuit it works well for the like of Doom VR.
Like many new developments & progress of the last 20 years they are lead by the mega buck worlds of computer gaming or porn. It has many uses and most likely if at all to date you will have come across it in the entertainment arena at events or theme parks. VR is where you wear a headset and hand devices and you are instantly transported to another World. Also there are different areas – augmented reality, mixed reality, simulated reality, extended reality (XR)), 3D and Virtual Reality (VR) but as we are not a science magazine we will look at this very generally under one banner of VR and the area of gay sex play in particular. For our techy readers we should acknowledge that VR has existed in limited forms for 50 years in areas like the military and the space race. It’s been a while coming and there have been a few false dawns but it now seems as though we are finally about to enter the era of proper virtual reality sex that feels as real as if you were in the Boots or Ramrod darkrooms. So if you want all 3 of the Hemsworth brothers plus their pool boy & personal trainer in your bedroom naked with hard on’s at the sametime EVERY night then your local store or online platform has the headset you need……